The best kept job hunting secrets in Essex!

6th June 2023

#1 Do NOT dwell on failure

Nobody likes rejection, its human nature to be wanted. So, if you get a 'no' from one interview, don’t dwell on it, if this interviewer doesn’t appreciate you, someone else will. As the old saying goes, “You may need to kiss a few frogs to find your prince” (please do not kiss your interviewer!!!). You are unlikely to get every job you ever apply for.

Always try to get something positive from every interview, try to write down everything that went well and all your positive attributes. This will help to motivate you and build your confidence.


#2 Do it, Do it now!

Not sure whether now is the right time to change jobs? If you have been miserable or unmotivated there may never be a right time.  Don’t put off till tomorrow what can be accomplished today!


#3 CV a bit rusty

You haven’t written a cv for a few years and you may be feeling a little under skilled or out of touch with anything new. There is so much help available…. ask a friend to critique, look at some online templates or talk to a recruitment agency for tips and advice. (hint hint…. call us 01702 464444)


#4 Enjoy the Hunt (this is so exciting!)

See your job hunt as a challenge, aim high and maybe get out of your comfort zone. Do not see the whole job hunting experience as a chore, try to really enjoy the whole process. Try to find a job which really embraces your passions.


#5 Have you Networked yourself?

A large proportion of jobs are still found by word of mouth. Have a serious think about who you know? When you are more proactive, opportunities are more likely to come your way.


#6 Knowledge is power

When you get an interview (and you will) make sure you do some thorough research. Don’t just read a bit about the company on their website. Competition in today’s job market is fierce, you need to be bringing something extra special to the table. Don’t be run of the mill… amazing.


#7 Confidence

One of the most important job hunting tips is be super confident - not arrogant or cocky - but confident. Give decisive answers, try not to waffle and constantly think to yourself, 'I can do this job and do it well!' Its very corny to say but……..if you don’t believe in yourself, nobody else will.


For more tips and advice about your next job hunt contact us on 01702 464444, email or contact us via


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01702 46 44 44