One to One Personnel charity golf day at Three River Country club

6th June 2023

32 eager golfers enjoyed a day in the sunshine playing golf and raising money for a small charity called the Thurrock Young Carers. The charity provides welcome respite and support to children who miss out on normal childhood to care for parents and grandparents with dependency issues or who are mentally and physically disabled.



We would like to thank our very generous guests who made our inaugural golf day such a success and also the generosity of our sponsors Monthind Clean, Revive Digital, Guardian Exhibition and Display, Sprint Communications, Excalibur Screw Bolts, Page Creative and The Essex Chamber of Commerce. Lastly, a big thanks to our very own Tracey and Linda who drove the buggy around all day making sure everyone was watered and fed!

Our office opening hours are Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 5pm.

Give us a call
01702 46 44 44