After the lockdown restrictions are lifted lots of people think the jobs market will be the most buoyant it has ever been, with jobs in abundance here there and everywhere. Some think there will be so much opportunity that getting a job will be easy.
I have never considered myself as a pessimist, but I do have a slightly different view on this.
Organisations, especially the smaller ones are not likely to have the deep pockets they had before COVID-19, and ‘getting back to normal’ could be a gradual process where businesses will start by re-appointing the key people first. It’s also likely that employers will have to keep costs to a minimum until their businesses can get back into growth again.
There will be jobs around but unlike the last couple of years where skills shortages were making the headlines the tables will have turned, putting the advantage firmly into the employer hands.
So, how can you get a head start?
Right now, is a great time to start do a bit of research on your future employers, and who it is you should be talking to when the time comes.
Yes, research is time consuming and boring but an hour or so a day could yield really important information that will give you a major advantage over your fellow job seekers.
Whatever you do don’t scribble it all down on scraps of paper, instead keep everything recorded on a spreadsheet so you have key information to hand in one organised place.
Getting your CV or CVs up to date is a big job, when it comes to job hunting it’s one of the most important things you will ever do. In fact it’s so important I wrote a separate blog on the subject;
Lastly, when you do start making applications don’t just rely on ‘click to apply’, that’s what everyone else does. It’s so important to follow-up with a phone call and an email. The following-up takes your CV from somewhere in the pile to top of it.
Trust me, a phone call might not get you the job, but it will get you noticed and if your CV is well written it will probably get you an interview too.
We have over 25 years of experience in job hunting, if you need help, we are here to guide you and give you advice. Feel free to get in touch!