It’s a natural thing, we see something or someone we like the look of and form a subconscious affinity or desire that can make us end up buying something out of impulse. Or in the case of recruitment hiring someone because you like the way they look or sound and then six months later wishing we had made a different choice! It happened to us all I’m sure.
So how can we avoid this trap? First let’s look at the different types of unconscious and think about a time when you might have fallen into the pit of poor judgment.
Beauty: everything that glitters is not necessarily gold
Similarity: when someone is a similar age, gender or ethnicity.
Affinity Bias: when an individual has similar skills and qualities to you.
The Halo Effect, similar to beauty bias, but potentially more influential. When you focus on one singular thing about someone and everything they say is seen in a positive light.
Conformity Bias: when you are swayed by other people’s biases and views, even if you don’t necessarily agree. Sometimes it’s easy to conform, especially when your views don’t seem strong enough to fight your corner.
So how can we avoid the pitfalls of unconscious bias? First, remove any potential risk by making sure you interview as a panel of at least two people.
Secondly, set up a scoring system that is based on competence-based questions and compare the scores and challenge areas where there is a high variance in scores.
Bring a new person into the interview process, perhaps the boss at second interview instead of the same panel as before. It also helps to take the formalities of just ‘going through the motions’ out of the equation too.
Finally, set up some work-based assessments that will help demonstrate a candidates aptitude and ability. You will soon see the chinks in the armour when it comes to testing.
Good practice isn’t rocket science, it just needs to be consistent,
Most businesses don’t have time to streamline their internal recruitment processes, especially SME’s and poor recruitment decisions can end up costing £1000’s in lost productivity.
We help those businesses streamline their hiring process, so everyone involved is singing from the same song sheet and making hiring decisions based on structured decision making not just a nice smile. If you are one of those businesses get in touch, it could be the best phone call you this year!
Only a phone call away 01702 46 44 44
Ian Banks - Director One to One Personnel