12 tips for filling in applications forms

6th June 2023

Here are a few tips to help you stand out when filling in applications forms:

  1. If filling in an online application draft your application first.

  2. Always run a spell check.

  3. Ask a friend/relative to read through and give you their constructive opinion.

  4. When filling in a paper application write as neatly as you can and check spellings if you’re not sure (don’t guess).

  5. Read instructions fully, making sure you use the correct colour pen and capitals if asked.

  6. Never leave a question unanswered, always use N/A if not applicable to you.

  7. Try to be precise and concise with your answers, employers may have hundreds of forms to read.

  8. Try to refer to their job advertisement and company in your answers.

  9. Read aloud to yourself, this should highlight any grammatical errors.

  10. Always keep a copy of the form, this will be useful if you are called up for an interview.

  11. Get your form in on time.

  12. Finally, follow it up with a phone call to make sure it's been received. This way you will be remembered when your application is reviewed. 

For further advice and tips please do not hesitate to contact us by email info@onetoonepersonnel.co.uk  or phone 01702 922 283

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